Electromagnetic test sieve uses electromagnetic vibrator as vibration source, which can sieve powder, liquid, 5um dry sieving material, can place 1-7 layers of test sieve, and can precisely separate 2-7 particles of a kind of granular material at the same time The granularity segment can be automatically shut down at regular intervals to ensure the repeatability of the experiment.
Price: $450.00 - $1,000.00/Sets Chat Now
Screening accuracy: 5μm
Vibration frequency: 3000 times/min
Screen diameter: φ200/φ100/φ75
Can put screen: 1-8 layers
It can be used for inspection, screening, grading, particle size analysis, foreign matter content analysis of powder, liquid and other materials.
Port:Any port in China (Mainland)or as you need.
Quantity(sets) | 1-2 | >2 |
Delivery time(days) | 5 | To be negotiated |
Electromagnetic Test Sieve, also called Electromagnetic Sieve Shake, adopts electromagnetic + three-dimensional motion, which can be used for particle size detection and separation of dry and wet particles of various bulk materials. The sieve surface adopts 3000 times per minute high-frequency vibration up and down, and the material does not block the mesh and does not stick In addition, in order to solve the problem of sieving ultrafine powder, a negative pressure device is added to the Electromagnetic Test Sieve, which can sieve materials as fine as 5 μm, effectively improving the sieving efficiency of fine materials.
Sieving pulverized coal: an experiment to measure yield and quality characteristics of coal samples smaller than 0.5mm
Sieve metal powder
Testing pharmaceutical powders: use 304 stainless steel Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker to test 80 mesh traditional Chinese medicine powder
1.Screening: Separate the particles of different particle sizes in the mixed materials to obtain materials of different particle size fractions.
2.Classification: According to the preset particle size requirements, the materials are divided into components of different particle sizes.
3.Particle size analysis: By measuring the sieve residue on different sieves, the particle size distribution of the material can be obtained, providing data for the control of the production process.
4.Impurity removal: remove impurities from materials and improve product purity.
5.Sample preparation: Provide samples with uniform particle size for subsequent experimental analysis.
Electromagnetic test sieve can be used for inspection, screening, classification, particle size analysis, foreign matter content analysis of abrasive, soil, quartz sand, powder, flour and other powder and liquid materials.
Metal powder detection - particle size: 0.1-2mm, mesh number: 10-149 mesh
Mineral powder detection and analysis - particle size: 0.2-2mm mesh: 40-200 mesh
Detection of traditional Chinese medicine powder—particle size 12-15um, mesh number: 60 mesh-100 mesh
Pearl powder detection - particle size: <15μm, mesh number: 100-150 mesh
Sieve flour - particle size: <15μm, mesh number: 50-60 mesh
1. The Electromagnetic Test Sieve is made of SUS304 stainless steel, with a wall thickness of 0.6mm, high temperature resistance of 300°C, acid and alkali corrosion resistance, no rust, and no magnetism.
2. The dry sieve can be sieved to 20 microns (625 mesh), and the negative pressure device can be added to sieve to 5 microns to solve the problem of dry sieving of ultra-fine powder.
3. The sieve machine can be placed with 8 layers of test sieves (including the sieve bottom), which can precisely separate a granular material into 2-7 particle segments at the same time
4. Equipped with time relay control, which can automatically shut down at regular intervals to ensure test repeatability
When the electromagnetic test sieve works, the electromagnetic vibrator is used as the vibration source. The test sieve vibrates up and down at a high frequency, and the vibration motor (or reciprocating mechanism) installed in the lower part spreads the material. The material moves in three positions on the sieve surface, and the material particles smaller than the mesh of the sieve surface are sieved into the lower test sieve, and screened layer by layer, so that only materials of the same particle size are left in each layer of the test sieve, so as to achieve the separation of different particle sizes and determine this. The particle size composition of the material.
serial number | name | Numerical value | unit |
1 | Can put sieve | 1~8 | layer |
2 | Screen diameter | φ200/φ100/φ75 | mm |
3 | Sieve particle size | 0.025~3 | mm |
4 | noise | less than 50 | dB |
5 | amplitude | 0~3 (stepless adjustment) | mm |
6 | electromagnetic vibration frequency | 3000 | times/min |
7 | Motor vibration frequency | 1400 | times/min |
8 | Dimensions | 435*350*720 | length*width*height |
9 | power supply | 220;50 | V;HZ |
10 | Total Weight | 55 | KG |
1.Preparation: Before use, carefully check whether all parts of the equipment are intact, mix the samples to be screened evenly, and select the appropriate screen mesh according to the particle size range and screening requirements of the sample. Stack the screens on the screen machine in order from small to large hole diameter.
2.Operation steps: Spread the sample evenly on the top screen.
After startup, particles of different sizes will pass through screens of different apertures and eventually stratify on each screen layer. When screening is completed, press the stop button and turn off the power. Remove each layer of sieve mesh in turn, weigh the objects above and below the sieve, and calculate the content of each particle size.
3.Note: The sample size should not be too small or too large. Screen cleaning: After each screening, the residue on the screen should be cleaned in time to keep the screen clean.
Electromagnetic test sieve is used in the laboratory for particle size analysis of various materials in the chemical, food and other industries. The dry sieve can sieve to 20 microns (625 mesh), and a negative pressure device can be installed to sieve to 5 microns to solve the screening of ultra-fine powders problem.
Screening accuracy: 5μm
Price: $650.00 - $1,200.00/Sets
Measuring range: 20µm - 125mm
Price: $520.00/Sets
Screening accuracy: 20µm-25mm
Price: $600.00/Set
Screening accuracy: 0.025-3mm
Price: $23.00-$850.00/Set
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Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker adopts electromagnetic drive, three-dimensional movement, and can sieve to 20 microns (635 mesh). This article will introduce the use of Electromagnetic...
Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker Principle
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Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker Price
Electromagnetic Sieve Shaker Price: $650.00 - $1,200.00/Sets. The specific price is related to the material, model and manufacturer....
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